The Stars they shine for you and me....

About a year ago Paddy’s wandering eye was caught by a young beautiful Springer Spaniel lady as she gracefully walked past him in his local cafe.
He could tell straight away that she was of high standing and breeding, a gentle girl with beautiful soft brown eyes who loved nothing better than running around exploring the Lake District fells and luckily for Paddy she lived locally. Paddy could hardly finish his sausage roll as he stared longingly at this mysterious beauty. Who was this girl


Eventually he plucked up courage and would ask her name.........

At first they were a bit shy, of course they would be both being young, but soon this would be overcome as the couple started meeting up fortnightly for long walks on the moors, a day playing chase in the woods, the pair taking time to get to know each other.

Shyness would turn to friendship. Their walks continued, she became part of the pack. Paddy was so proud. He gave her his treats and even a tennis ball.


Then disaster would strike. Something called Corona Virus ensued and eventual the whole country went in lock down. How could this happen? Whats a pup to do?

Paddy was forlorn, he’d look out everyday for her arrival in the car park, but alas it was not to be, she never arrived. He’d look out of the van window with his sad eyes he was totally inconsolable, his little aching heart was broken, had she left his life for ever? Had she moved on? Had she found someone else? Poor Paddy Bear......

Paddy was utterly distraught.

Days turned to weeks turned to months....

Then one day her car was there, in it's usual place. She was back! Oh my days......

Back in their favourite woodland, the joy on both their faces was plain to see, both running around with huge smiles, inseparable. Paddy was ecstatic and so was his lady friend. She was back and oh boy looking better than ever. The girl of his dreams running beside him. What's a boy to do?

More walks would see friendship turning into love. Paddy now being besotted with his beautiful shy Cumbrian girl and why wouldn’t he be, she is simply quite stunning, a real northern beauty.

The relationship has grown and now so has their love.


So we’re proud to announce the relationship with Paddy and Miss Bella has moved on a few steps further and are looking forward to the Little Puppy Paella’s at the end of September.

Paddy and Miss Bella in love for ever.

Both families are extremely proud and of course very excited.

More importantly is that the puppies already have good homes with experienced Springer Spaniel owners, the waiting list is very long. Sorry they’re not for sale and all spoken for.

We'll keep you updated as time goes on....